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학사안내 | Course Registration Counseling(3/15) - for less than 15 credit registe…

페이지 정보

작성자 행정실 작성일16-03-14 00:00 조회4,519회 댓글0건


Regular course credits allowed to register per semester are 15~18 credits.

Students who have registered below 15 credits for the semester can have disadvantage in several academic benefits such as scholarship applications and saving credits for the next semester.

We will hold a counseling day to assist students who have registered less than 15 credits.
Among the low credit registered students, students who'd like to register more courses can visit the KHSOM Administration Office(Orbis Hall 421) and consult about adding courses. We will assist students to register preferred courses among the available ones.(Not every courses might be available to register.)

<Counseling for the low credit registered students>
- date: 2016.03.15. Tue. 9:00~16:30 (except for the lunch hour: 12:00~13:00)
- venue: KHSOM administration office (Orbis Hall 421)

The counseling is allowed for only one day, so please visit the office during the designated period.

Please note that our office only assists in registering Business Administration major courses, and humanity courses should be consulted at the Humanitas College.

KHSOM Administration Office
Orbis Hall 421

[이 게시물은 행정실님에 의해 2017-11-14 13:09:10 [복사본] 커뮤니케이션21 > 학생 > 공지사항에서 복사 됨]


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