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장학안내 | 2016-1 KHSOM Foreign Student Scholarship Application

페이지 정보

작성자 행정실 작성일16-04-21 00:00 조회4,475회 댓글0건



2016-1 KHSOM Foreign Student Scholarship Application


1. Eligibility

   Applicants must have

- a foreign nationality and is majoring in Kyung Hee School of Management

- enrolled for the 2016-1 semester

- applied for the scholarship using a designated application form within the period
- registered their bank account to the KHU info system

- a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the previous term

- registered 15 or more credits in their previous semester

- acquired 12 or more credits in their previous semester


Bank account registration

    1 Students can register their bank account information online by using KHU info system.

    2 Please make sure that your account holder’s name is identical with the name in your KHU info system.

     3  If you’re having trouble with the registration, pleas seek help from the KHSOM administration office.


2. Application Period

   - 2016. 4. 22.(Fri) ~ 4. 27.(Wed)


3. Required Documents

 -  Scholarship Application Form(attached file)

- Transcript (issued within a month)

- Certificate of Enrollment (issued within a month)

* Transcript and a certificate of enrollment can be issued at the one-stop center in Cheongwoongwan building.


4. Candidate Selection

   - Scholarship will be awarded to students with higher total GPA.


5. Award

   - Individual awards are the amount of 1,000,000 KRW at least.

   - Scholarship money will be transferred into the selected students’ personal account, so the account information should be registered in the KHU info system site.


6. Others (Must be read)

 - Please note, one must apply for the scholarship in order to be awarded. Scholarships are not awarded to the students who have not applied for it during the designated period.

 - Double application limited: students who have been awarded other academic scholarships cannot be awarded over the amount of the tuition fee.

  - Scholarship will be forfeited if the candidate violated KHU scholarship regulations.


Kyung Hee School of Management

[이 게시물은 행정실님에 의해 2017-11-15 09:08:08 [복사본] 커뮤니케이션21 > 학생 > 공지사항에서 복사 됨]
[이 게시물은 행정실님에 의해 2017-11-15 09:19:52 test2(장학안내)에서 복사 됨]


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